This week's MOTIV8 Newsletter

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"The measure of a man's value is the degree to which he has made a
difference in the lives of those he has touched." --Jackie Strange-


The MOTIV8 Newsletter
A High-Octane Boost for the Mind!
Monday, July 28, 1997

To Subscribe to MOTIV8, send email to with
SUBSCRIBE as the subject. You may cancel your subscription at any time
by sending email to the address above with CANCEL as the subject.

This newsletter is mailed out to subscribers only. Some copies may be
mailed out (in full only) as forwarded messages by our subscribers as
they see fit. Our list is not made available to anyone outside MOTIV8.


1. The Announcements
2. Motivational "Tip of the week"
"Try this on for size!"
3. Website of the week
4. Are you a "Joe Somebody" or a "Joe Nobody"?
5. The Classified Ads
6. Book Review
7. Motivational Quotes
8. Editors Comments



For as little as $8.33 per week you can have your 6 line ad in MOTIV8! To find out how, Email with "SPONSOR INFO" as the subject.
Discover the Power of Personal Motivation!! MOTIV8 is now on the Web!! Check us out, bookmark us & vote for us as a Starting Point Hot Site!
The Resources Page on the website will be online within the next two weeks. Research is ongoing to provide you with one of the best sources of motivational and self-help info on the net!
Recommend MOTIV8 to your Downline!! An extra motivational boost could be just what they need to make your business soar!

Motivational "TIP OF THE WEEK"


Wanna trim a few extra inches off the ole midriff?
The next time you go shopping for clothes, find an outfit that fits
perfectly, then buy it one size smaller!

Give yourself a time frame (about two weeks) when you want to fit into
that outfit. Now go out and walk one extra block every day. Stick to
eating healthy, not eating less. More fruits and vegetables, juice and
salads, take your vitamins. In two weeks you'll see the difference!

You deserve to be healthy and physically fit, you owe it to yourself!!
Plus, you KNOW how great you'll look and feel in that new outfit!!


If it's Internet Marketing info, products or services you need, go to
BizWeb2000!! Owned and operated by Web Marketing Guru, Jim Daniels.

Jim, featured in the Feb. 97 issue of "Opportunity Magazine" is the
publisher of the online marketing Ezine "The BizWeb Gazette", and two
self published books: "Internet Email, Beyond the Basics" and his
latest "Insider Internet Marketing".

This site is probably one of the most complete sources of info. for
marketers on the web!!

Are you a "Joe Somebody" or a "Joe Nobody"?

This week's article is going to be a bit different than what you're used to seeing here. We'll cover two senario's with a guy named "Joe" in order to illustrate a point: "You are what you think!"

Situation #1.

6:30 am. BZZZZZ. Roll over and hit the snooze button. Ten minutes later, BZZZZZ. Joe does'nt want to get up out of bed. "Oh, I wish I could sleep in."

In the bathroom Joe looks in the mirror. "Why do I put myself through this every day? This stupid job. Well, I guess if I had stayed in college instead of getting married, I would'nt be living like this right now. It's my own fault. Getting married, what a waste. I ruined my life and she left me anyway."

Joe showers and drags himself out the door without having breakfast.

Situation #2.

6:25 am. Joe wakes up 5 minutes before the clock alarms, jumps into the shower. The soundtrack of the movie "Flashdance" echoing in the bathroom may sound like the mating call of a Moose, but Joe does'nt care, the wife is'nt around to complain anymore. She never appreciated raw talent anyway.

Over a breakfast of juice, coffee, toast and scrambled eggs, Joe skim's through the course outlines for the local college. "You know, if I saved a little more every week, and maybe worked a few hours extra overtime, I could afford the tuition for that course I want to take." Still humming "What a feeling", Joe thinks "I'll go to work early and ask the boss about the overtime".

As you can see, Joe has exactly the same life in both examples above. However, his view of himself in both examples is totally opposite.

In situation #1. Joe does'nt want to get out of bed, he blames himself for everything, does'nt eat properly, and has very low self-esteem. It's no wonder Joe's wife left him.

In situation #2. He wakes up cheerful, ambitious, and looks forward to his day because he BELIEVES IN HIMSELF and he is taking responsibility for his own life. He knows that if he plans his life and lives his plan, he will get what he wants. Joe is going places!

Do you consider yourself a "Joe Somebody" or a "Joe Nobody"?

This week's article courtesy of Paul Short, MOTIV8 Online. Send any comments, questions or concerns to


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This week's book is one of my personal favourites. It shows how to program your mind in order to achieve everything you want out of life.

"Unlimited Power" has been one of the best sources of motivational inspiration for me because it outlines specific techniques for taking control of your own mind, while tapping into your inner self. It also shows how to interact with others, build mutually beneficial relationships, boost self-confidence, etc. An excellent choice for your next visit to the bookstore!

Book: Unlimited Power
Author: Anthony Robbins
ISBN: 0-449-90280-3


"Don't spend all of your life at the end of a string that someone else is pulling."
--William P. Fisher--

"You miss 100% of the shots you never take."
--Wayne Gretzky--

"Don't count your days, make your days count."
--William P. Fisher--

"The only people who fail are those who never try."
--Ilka Chase--


Over the past two weeks I have had a large number of people ask me if they can send MOTIV8 to their friends, downlines, mailing lists, etc.

The answer is: YES!! Please forward the newsletter to any and all with whom you correspond on the net. One caution however, do it properly. Please do not SPAM!!

If you decide to forward an article only, please include the following lines at the end:

Article courtesy of Paul Short, Editor: The MOTIV8 Newsletter. Get your FREE Lifetime Subscription to MOTIV8 by sending email to: motiv8@octonline with "SUBSCRIBE" in the subject line. You may cancel at any time. Visit MOTIV8 Online!!

See ya next Monday!

MOTIV8 Online and the MOTIV8 Newsletter are free publications, written designed and distributed by Paul Short of Scarborough, Ontario, Canada Email
Copyright (c) 1997 Paul Short, MOTIV8 Online. All rights reserved.

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